CGI Flashcards |
[E] |
Randomly chosen Japanese words for
reading practice (17,125 words using commonly-used kanji)
Charles Kelly's |
[E] |
Online Japanese Language Study Materials:
good vocabulary section for everyday practice
Coscom |
[E] |
Good page for beginners. All texts
in romaji, hiragana and kanji
e-japanese |
[E/J] |
JLPT Grammar: Levels 4, 3, 2
Java Kanji Flashcards |
[E] |
Java applet to learn the 500 most
commonly occuring Japanese Kanji
Japanese Grammar |
[E] |
A Japanese guide to Japanese grammar
(by Tae Kim)
Japanese Language |
[E] |
Hugh collection of links: reference,
kanji, kana, flash cards, lessons, grammar, etc.
JLPT Kanji Project |
[E] |
Kanji study tool and vocabulary builder
(full Jouyou Kanji)
JLPT vocabulary lists |
[E] |
Complete JLPT vocabulary lists, as
printed in Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Test Content
Specification (1994–1997). Online lists © 2001 Thierry
Bézecourt ( |
JLPT Vocabulary Lists |
[E] |
There are apparently no official lists
of vocabulary. These lists should only be viewed as useful tools
for study |
Kanji-a-day |
[E] |
Study material, test etc. Log in to
create your own learning list! |
Kanji Clinic |
[E] |
Previous columns in The Japan
Times on learning the 1,945 general-use kanji.
Also check the very good list of links!
Kanji Randomizer |
[E] |
2 kyuu Kanji Randomizer & Flashcard
Kanjisite |
[E] |
All JLPT kanjis (4 to 2) on flashcards.
Very clear and perfect for studying kanji
Learning Resources |
[E] |
A listing of free learning resources
for the learners of the Japanese language
毎日毎日漢字ページ |
[E] |
Learn 2 new kanjis everyday! A good
start-page for your browser
mic-J |
[E] |
AV Resources for Japanese Language
[E] |
Meguro Language Center: JLPT kanji,
vocabulary and grammar lists
Newspaper words |
[E] |
Words from Japanese Newspapers in
order of frequency
NHK: Jap. Lessons |
[E] |
On this site, you can listen to the
NHK World Japanese Lessons
| |
[E/J] |
日本語ラジオ: 24 hours, year-round. Tune
in, listen, repeat, and learn
[E] |
This blog provides casual reading
material with audio for intermediate and advanced students of Japanese
nihongoresources |
[E] |
Non-profit website to get students
the material they need
shiawase |
[E] |
List of software, webpages, books
and movies for studying Japanese (by R. Belton)
speedanki |
[E] |
interactive flashcard system designed
to aid in the memorization of Japanese kanji for the JLPT
TheJapanesePage |
[E] |
Hugh collection of links: grammar,
hiragana & katakana, kanji, culture, lessons, vocabulary
Univ. College London |
[E] |
Free Learning Resources: Japanese
ようこそ! |
[E] |
Excellent study resource, many links,
plus a grammar mailing list
alc |
[J] |
英辞郎 on the Web: Online translation
Babel Fish |
[G] |
Online translation: Mutli-language
(e.g., German-English-Japanese)
Bibiko |
[G] |
和独字典 Japanisch-Deutsches Kanji-Lexikon
von Hans-Jörg Bibiko
Breen dict. List |
[E] |
Very extensive list of online dictionary
links and Japanese language tools by Jim Breen – highly
Denshi Jisho |
[E] |
Online Japanese dictionary with
word, kanji and sentence databases drawn from the WWWJDIC project
Excite 翻訳 |
[J] |
goo 辞書 |
[J] |
Jim Breen's |
[E] |
Jim Breen's WWWJDIC Japanese-English
Dictionary Server (Monash University)
Kanji Networks |
[E] |
Online kanji dictionary with hypothetical
phonosemantic "etymologies" of Chinese characters as
used in Japan (1,945 kanji); includes pictures of the old forms
of kanji
Kiki's Kanji Dictionary |
[E] |
Just like flipping through a paper
dictionary to learn about related words and their meanings (KANJIDIC
[J] |
kotowaza |
[E] |
Online proverb dictionary by Ronald
Nifty |
[E] |
Nifty translator Engl-Jap and Jap-Engl
Oichanの万物大辞典 |
[E] |
Banbutsu Daijiten: Chinese-Japanese-English-(Thai)
Dictionary, 中日英(泰)辞典, 中日英専門辞典, その他の辞典
POPjisyo |
[E] |
Pop-up Japanese dictionary –
enter URL, go over Japanese characters, and get translation in
[E] |
PSP's Bi-Directional English Japanese
Reading Tutor |
[J] |
リーディング チュウ太
Rikai |
[E] |
Translate whole website or text
Sanseido |
[J] |
三省堂 Web Dictionary
Sanshusha |
[J] |
Deutsch-Japanisches Wörterbuch
| |
[G] |
独和辞典 Japanisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch
WaDokuJT |
[G] |
独和辞典 Japanisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch
Yahoo!翻訳 |
[J] |
Software to Process Japanese
Collin's Jap. Language and Culture Page |
[E] |
KanjiLab Software plus many links
to language and culture
JEDict |
[E] |
JEDict 4 is multilingual dictionary
capable to search any plain text files
JGloss |
[E] |
An application for adding reading
and translation annotations to words in a Japanese text document
JquickTrans |
[E] |
Shareware: Japanese dictionary,
translation aid, kanji lookup and radical breakdowns, etc. in
one interface
JWPce |
[E] |
Freeware Japanese Word Processor
PAdict |
[E] |
Japanese-English and Japanese-French
dictionaries (wadoku) for Palm OS
rikaichan |
[E] |
Popup dictionary extension for Firefox
and Thunderbird
独和辞典 |
[J/G] |
WaDokuJT (Jap-Ger dictionary) for
download and install
Special Interests
Acmuller |
[E/J] |
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism,
word lists and full texts
Aestheticism |
[E] |
Manga glossary and terms relating
to manga and the manga industry
Jeffrey's |
[E/J] |
Jap-Engl/Engl-Jap glossaries: marketing,
engineering, science, finance, computers, Buddhist, pulp
Marketing Dictionary |
[E] |
A comprehensive glossary of marketing
terms (English only)
Newsguy |
[E] |
Comparison of Japanese Dictionaries,
useful info before you buy any
Translation Tools: Finance |
[E] |
Research & links: Finance, Economy,
Banking, Law
oop-ack |
[E] |
Japanese sound effects and what
they mean as used in manga