Aarseth, Espen J. (1997) |
[E] |
"Introduction" to Cybertext:
Perspectives on Ergodic Literature
Aesthetics on-line |
[E] |
Articles about aesthetics, philosophy
of art, art theory and art criticism
Aozora Bunko |
[J] |
Archive.org |
[E] |
Open-Access Text Archive
ArtsJournal |
[E] |
Music section of ArtsJournal – arts, culture, ideas
Barthes, Roland (1967) |
[J] |
"The Death of the Author"
(From Aspen magazine, 5+6, item 3 – Three Essays)
Book・Off |
[J] |
cinetext |
[E/G] |
Internet forum for film and philosophy
City College Libraries |
[E] |
Research Resources
Philosophy Resources Online
Critical Inquiry |
[E] |
Interdisciplinary journal devoted
to publishing critical thought in the arts and humanities (abstracts
del.icio.us |
[E] |
A social bookmarking website
テキスト |
[G] |
[E] |
Directory of Open Access Journals,
covering full text scholarly journals
dolmetsch |
[E] |
Useful online texts – a
link list
e-book |
[E] |
Many books in the public domain,
as well as some other books
ejcjs |
[E] |
Electronic journal of contemporary
Japanese studies – articles, papers, etc.
Electronic Resources for Japanese Studies |
[E] |
Duke University Libraries –
extensive link list!
Elsewhere – The Postmodernism Generator |
[E] |
Josh Larios using Andrew C. Bulhak's
Dada Engine, a system for generating random text from recursive
Enculturation |
[E] |
A refereed journal devoted to
contemporary theorizations of rhetoric, writing, and culture
EpistemeLinks |
[E] |
Includes over 19,000 categorized
links to philosophy resources on the Internet
Erratic Impact |
[E] |
The Philosophy Research Base is
categorized by history, subject and author
EServer |
[E] |
Online community where hundreds
of writers, artists, editors and scholars gather to publish
works as open archives
Etext Center |
[E] |
Full text of 2,100 E-Books at
University of Virginia Library
Feminism in Japan |
[E] |
Bibliography & links: This
page contains General information, History, Literature, and
Politics in Japan
Find Articles |
[E] |
Search 10,000,000 free articles
Guide |
[E/J] |
Guide to Electronic Resources
for Japanese Studies
Gutenberg |
[E] |
Oldest producer of eBooks on the
Haiku |
[E] |
(dmoz) Links to haiku associations,
publishers, poems, etc.
Hyperizons |
[E] |
Writing and researching and thinking
about hypertext fiction
ibiblio |
[E] |
The public's library and digital
archive – large conservancy of freely available information
(music, literature, art, history, science, politics, and cultural
Japanese Literature |
[E] |
(Wikipedia) "Japanese literature
spans a period of almost ..."
Japanese Literature |
[E] |
(lib.duke) Links to literature,
guides, works, concordances, bios, WWW, etc.
Japanese Lit. Home Page (Waseda) |
[E/J] |
History, Authors/Works, Links,
Gallery, Reviews
Jap. Lit. Resource |
[E] |
(mockingbird) Some Japanese authors
and texts, links, list of recommended books
Japanese Poetry |
[E] |
(Wikipedia) "The best-known
forms of Japanese poetry ..."
Japanese Text Initiative |
[E/J] |
Texts of classical Japanese literature
available on the WWW
[J] |
JiBooks |
[E] |
Search for Japanese books in print
using romaji (Latin alphabet) as input
Kinema |
[E] |
A Journal for Film and Audiovisual
Klages, Dr. Mary (2003) |
[E] |
"Postmodernism" ('...
is a complicated term, or set of ideas, one that ...')
LibriVox |
[E] |
Acoustical liberation of ebooks
in the public domain
Literature Network |
[E] |
Online classic literature, poems,
and quotes. Essays & Summaries
Margins |
[E] |
Japan in English-Language Verse
(David Ewick, Chuo University)
Militant Esthetix |
[E/G] |
Papers on aesthetics: Walter Benjamin,
Frank Zappa, Adornoism, Critical Literalism, Punk, etc.
Modern Word |
[E] |
Dedicated to 20th century experimental
writers – authors under "Scriptorium"
[J] |
(NACSIS Webcat) 総合目録データベースWWW検索サービス
日本文学等テキストファイル |
[J] |
Literature resource links
nybooks |
[E] |
The New York Review of Books
Offscreen |
[E] |
Past Issues > Essays from Offscreen,
a wide-ranging online film journal from Montreal
Onion |
[E] |
America's Finest News Source™
Online Books Page |
[E] |
Meta search engine for over 20,000
free English eBooks
P M C |
[E] |
Electronic journal of interdisciplinary
thought on contemporary cultures
P M C – Related readings |
[E] |
A list of miscellany, collections,
periodicals and other readings
Reference Writers |
[E] |
A Guide to Philosophical Writers
(somehow related to Marxism)
Theoretical Sources |
[E] |
Theoretical Sources on Postmodern
Thought, Semiotics, Hypertext, etc. – link list by Martin
"Social Text Affair" |
[E] |
On the hoax article by Professor
Alan Sokal suggesting a link in quantum mechanics and post-modernism
Standford Enyclopedia of Philosophy |
[E] |
Philosophical terms and texts.
Abridged table of contents
UbuWeb |
[E] |
A completely independent resource
dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and
outsider arts
Univ. of Washington |
[E] |
Dict. on many topics sorted by
うわづら文庫 |
[J] |